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Text File  |  1996-05-25  |  1KB  |  23 lines

  1. /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO   (INDEX)
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Distribution-HOWTO      Distributions of the Linux software
  4. Ethernet-HOWTO          Using Ethernet cards and networks
  5. Ftape-HOWTO             Using QIC ftape drivers for Linux
  6. HOWTO-INDEX             INDEX to HOWTO docs (READ ME!)
  7. Hardware-HOWTO          Hardware compatibility list
  8. INFO-SHEET              Basic Linux information
  9. Installation-HOWTO      Getting and Installing Linux
  10. META-FAQ                Linux sources of information
  11. Mail-HOWTO              Using electronic mail with Linux
  12. MGR-HOWTO               The MGR windowing system for Linux
  13. NET-2-HOWTO             Configuring NET-2 (TCP/IP) software for Linux
  14. News-HOWTO              Setting up USENET news for Linux
  15. Printing-HOWTO          Printing and configuring printing software
  16. SCSI-HOWTO              Using and configuring SCSI devices
  17. Serial-HOWTO            Information on serial devices and communications
  18. Sound-HOWTO             Using sound-related hardware and software
  19. UUCP-HOWTO              Setting up UUCP with Linux
  20. XFree86-HOWTO           Installing and configuring X-Windows for Linux
  21. other-formats           PostScript, .dvi, and other formatted HOWTOs
  22. mini                    "Mini-HOWTOs"... shorter HOWTOs on specific subjects